Was presented by the "feel of Kakuryo teacher, exactly care! Of God," former Prime Minister Toshiki Kaifu that has been impressed colored paper
Been highly praised the “Qigong and martial arts” ability of both preeminent Kakuryo teacher, was a gift from the Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, Mr. colored paper
By Qigong fasting of KakuRyo teacher, Steven Seagal's autograph successful in weight loss of 7kg in 12 days. "Kakuryo teacher, thank you, I love you."
Famous talent, Mr. Caiya … Miracle of the chi kung fast by Mr. “chi kung large Guo Liang!” in which Mr. Caiya finished the fast for 218 days
Lei Dian Sheng =Mr. Lei Dian Sheng, Chinese explorer who has conquered all of China on foot.
China — famous Mr. singer Sun Nan Presented colored paper
of Sun Wen grandchild, Ms. SunSuiFang and Mr. qigong therapist GuoLiang
Songstress in the folk song world Mr. Makiko Kosugi received kakuryou teacher’s fast method of treatment, and voice went out with SHI KARRI from an abdomen by divine protection of remote qigong, and a folk song concert in Mie-ken and Kyoto was a great success. The character of “have a mind, fast wonder” was written and presented in an impression.
Masato Mitoizumi, a Japanese famous sumo wrestler as well as a chief of the Nishikido sumo stable felt gotten rid of his entire fatigue and pain mentally and physically after receiving Doctor Kakuryo’s fasting therapy. Being very impressed that he got his health back, he presented us his calligraphy written as “Ichigo-Issho” – which means “We are friends forever from meeting each other.”
Comic storyteller Mr. Kikuzou Hayashiya … It will be effective against “cosmetics and a long life!! – ”
From the wrestler of a long sumo match, a second highest rank in sumo, and Mr. Kotooshu